Honor Roll Banner

Quarter 3 Honor Roll Assemblies

Quarter 3 Honor Roll Assemblies start next week!

Wednesday, April 17 @ 9:20am, Advisory Teachers:

  •  Fritz, Foggia, Dalton, Freeman, Carson, Remily, Shown

Thursday, April 18 @ 8:20am, Advisory Teachers:

  • Nickerson, Becker, Benson, Kretschmer, Lair, Schow, Gisi, Ego, Thurman, Leavitt, Bedolla

Friday, April 19 @ 8:20am, 6th Grade Honor Roll

Assemblies start at 8:20am each day, except Wednesday at 9:20, and parents are welcome to attend.  Congrats to all of our students who worked so hard to achieve honor roll and we hope to see you there!